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Course Numbering System

  • 1000-1999 - Freshman courses

  • 2000-2999 - Sophomore courses

  • 3000-3999 - Junior courses

  • 4000-4999 - Senior courses

  • 5000-5999 - Graduate courses

  • 7000-7999 - Law courses


The graduate student enrolled in a 5000-level course that meets with a senior-level undergraduate course will be expected to complete additional requirements beyond those expected of undergraduates in the same course.

Note: Courses 2900, 2910, 4900 and 4910, Special Problems, are used upon approval of the department chair or dean for individual instruction in any department to cover course content in special circumstances. Courses 5900, 5910, 5920 and 5930 are used in any department that offers graduate work.

Students should not repeat Special Problem courses with the same content (syllabus, course material, etc.) given it will not count toward meeting degree requirements. The duplicate course(s) will be excluded from the student’s degree program.

Experimental Courses: 1980, 2980 and 4980, are new courses offered on a trial basis for 1-4 hours credit each. Registration is permitted only upon approval of the department chair.

Advanced Courses: numbered 3000 to 4999, are open to students who have 12 semester hours of credit in a given subject or who have the indicated prerequisites, and to those without the prerequisites who have the consent of the department chair. In some instances, school requirements may vary. Students should consult individual areas prior to enrolling in advanced courses.


Course Information

Individual courses of instruction are subject to change or withdrawal at any time and may not be offered each term/semester or every year. Any course may be withdrawn from current offerings if the number of registrants is too small to justify conducting the course. Students interested in a particular course during a particular period should inquire in advance and/or consult the applicable online Schedule of Classes at myUNTDallas.

Figures in parentheses following the course credit hours indicate the number of clock hours per week devoted to lecture and laboratory. When it appears, the third and final number in these parentheses indicates the number of recitation hours per week. Specific information regarding courses within a particular department is located immediately before the course listings.



A prerequisite is a course or other preparation that must be completed before beginning a course to ensure that students can successfully complete the course.  All prerequisites are included in catalog course descriptions.
Students will be allowed to enroll in the next course of the sequence for the following term if they are currently enrolled in the prerequisite course at UNT Dallas.  However, students will be dropped from that course prior to the beginning of the next term if they do not meet the prerequisite specified in the catalog.  Students should meet with an academic advisor to develop a plan for successful completion of the prerequisite course. 

Concurrent prerequisite enrollment is not permitted; however, in rare instances, exceptions may be approved by the department via the Academic Exception Form.



A corequisite is a course that must be completed at the same time as another course.  For instance, often times, science classes will offer a laboratory course that must be taken at the same time as the lecture course.  All corequisites are included in catalog course descriptions.


Semester Credit Hour

In accordance with UNT Dallas University Policy 6.025 Evaluating, Awarding and Accepting Credit, a semester credit hour is the unit of credit at UNT Dallas; the one semester credit hours allows for one clock hour of direct faculty instruction a week, or one clock hour of attendance in synchronous or asynchronous learning activity in a distance education setting, and two hours out of class student work for 15 weeks or the equivalent. The determination of the level and semester credit hours assigned to courses is made by the faculty through the curriculum review process.


Texas Common Course Numbering System

The Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) has been designed for the purpose of aiding students in the transfer of general academic courses between colleges and universities throughout Texas. Common courses are freshman and sophomore academic credit courses that have been identified as common by institutions that are members of the common course numbering system. The system ensures that if the student takes a course the receiving institution designates as common, then the course will be accepted in transfer and the credit will be treated as equivalent to the course offered by the receiving institution.

The following table lists the courses that have been identified as common and their TCCNS equivalents. Students wishing to transfer a course that is not listed should obtain approval from the department of their intended major prior to taking the course. The student’s academic dean determines applicability of the credit to a degree program. Before using this table, students should be sure that the institution they attend employs the TCCNS.

Common course numbers shown on this list as equating to 3000-level (upper-division) courses at UNT Dallas will transfer as equivalent courses, but will not be counted as upper-division credit.

Information provided is subject to change without notice and does not constitute a contract between UNT Dallas and a student or applicant for admission. Transfer credit is subject to audit during a student’s academic career at UNT Dallas. Total hours accepted may be increased or decreased to reflect correction of prior evaluation or consideration of additional transfer work to ensure compliance with UNT Dallas academic policies.

Prospective transfer students should contact the department of their intended major for course work guidelines prior to enrollment. The most current version of the common course numbering system course equivalents for UNT Dallas is available from the Office of Admissions.

The TCCNS numbers, when applicable, are indicated in parentheses immediately following the UNT Dallas course number in the course description except when two UNT Dallas courses are required to meet a TCCNS equivalent. See “How to Read Course Descriptions” in this section for an example. Grade points earned at other institutions are excluded in the computations of the UNT Dallas cumulative grade point average, but transfer hours accepted are included in determining the classification and minimum required level of performance. Additional information concerning academic status is available from the offices of the academic deans. Additional courses may be equivalent but are not listed as being a part of TCCNS, contact the academic dean of your major at UNT Dallas for advising.

Students enrolled at UNT Dallas must secure their dean’s approval to enroll concurrently in another college or university. Failure to obtain advance approval may result in the refusal of the university to accept such work in transfer.

For academic advising at UNT Dallas, contact the Academic Advising and Student Success at 972-338-1645.



ACCT 2010

ACCT 2301/2401

ACCT 2020

ACCT 2302/2402

ART 1300

ARTS 1301

BCIS 1305

BCIS 1305

BIOL 1132

BIOL 2406

BIOL 1300

BIOL 1308

BIOL 1710

BIOL 1306

BIOL 1720

BIOL 1307

BIOL 1730

BIOL 1106

BIOL 1740

BIOL 1107

BIOL 2301

BIOL 2301

BIOL 2302

BIOL 2302

BIOL 2311

BIOL 2101

BIOL 2312

BIOL 2102

CDFS 1013

PSYC 2314

CDFS 2033

TECA 1303

CHEM 1410

CHEM 1311

CHEM 1420

CHEM 1312

CHEM 1430

CHEM 1111

CHEM 1440

CHEM 1112

CJUS 2100

CRIJ 1301

CJUS 2300

CRIJ 1310

CJUS 2301

CRIJ 2313

CJUS 2302

CRIJ 2328

COMM 1010

SPCH 1311

COMM 1307

COMM 1307

COMM 2300

SPCH 1315

COMM 2350

COMM 2366

CSCE 1030

COSC 1436

CSCE 1040

COSC 1337

DFST 1013

TECA 1354

DSCI 2305

BUSI 2305

ECON 1100

ECON 2302

ECON 1110

ECON 2301

ENGL 1313

ENGL 1301

ENGL 1323

ENGL 1302

ENGL 2100

ENGL 2307

ENGL 2210

ENGL 2332

ENGL 2220

ENGL 2333

ENGL 2321

ENGL 2321

ENGL 2326

ENGL 2326

ENGL 2341

ENGL 2341

ENGL 2342

ENGL 2342

GEOG 1710

GEOL 1401

GEOL 1445

GEOL 1445

HIST 1050

HIST 2321

HIST 1060

HIST 2322

HIST 2301

HIST 2301

HIST 2610

HIST 1301

HIST 2620

HIST 1302

HSML 1300

SOCW 2361

MATH 1314

MATH 1314

MATH 1324

MATH 1324

MATH 1325

MATH 1325

MATH 1332

MATH 1332

MATH 1316

MATH 1316

MATH 1342

MATH 1342

MATH 2413

MATH 2413

MATH 2414

MATH 2414

MATH 2415

MATH 2415

PHYS 1052

PHYS 1404

PHYS 1062

PHYS 1403

PHYS 1210

PHYS 1415

PHYS 1410

PHYS 1301

PHYS 1420

PHYS 1302

PHYS 1430

PHYS 1101

PHYS 1440

PHYS 1102

PHYS 1710

PHYS 2325

PHYS 1730

PHYS 2125

PHYS 2220

PHYS 2326

PHYS 2240

PHYS 2126

PSYC 1100

PSYC 2301

PSYC 2480

PSYC 2315

SOCI 1510

SOCI 1301

SOCI 1520

SOCI 1306

SOCI 2010

SOCI 2319

SOCI 2070

SOCI 2319

SOCI 2100

CRIJ 1301

SPAN 1010

SPAN 1411

SPAN 1020

SPAN 1412

SPAN 2040

SPAN 2311

SPAN 2050

SPAN 2312

SPAN 2313

SPAN 2313

TECM 2300

COMM 2311

TECM 2700

ENGL 2311


Course Descriptions

How to Read Course Descriptions

All courses on the course description page are listed alphabetically. If more than one area of instruction exists within a unit, courses are listed alphabetically within that unit. Additionally, the courses appear in the straight alphabetical listing with a reference back to the unit.

Use the Course and Subject Guide located before the Course Descriptions to find courses quickly. Select prefix under Prefix/Subject Guide column and find the page number in the last column. If the Prefix/Subject Guide is unknown, examine the Courses of Instruction column for interest area and page number.

Note: A sample has been compiled to identify different components of the course description and does not accurately reflect an existing course. Explanations are given below the example. Not all course descriptions include every component shown in the following example.

Example from Catalog: MATH 3000. Real Analysis I.

MATH 3000. Real Analysis I. 4 hours. (3;0;1). Introduction to mathematical proofs through real analysis. Topics include sets, relations, types of proofs, continuity and topology of the real line. May only be attempted 2 times for credit. Prerequisite(s): Students must complete MATH 3320 (formerly 2000) or its equivalent w/ grade C or better. This hour is a problem-solving session. 

Explanation of Example:

In this example, the first paragraph gives specific information regarding courses within a particular department.

  • Mathematics is the area of study.

  • MATH represents the course prefix.

  • 3000 is the course number.

  • Real Analysis I is the title of the course.

  • 4 hours represents the number of semester credit hours earned.

  • (3;0;1) shows that 3 hours will be spent in lecture, 0 hours will be spent in laboratory, and 1 hour will be spent in recitation. 

  • Introduction to mathematical proofs through real analysis. Topics include sets, relations, types of proofs, continuity and topology of the real line. May only be attempted 2 times for credit​ is the content description regarding the course.

  • Prerequisite(s): Students must complete MATH 3320 (formerly 2000) or its equivalent w/ grade C or better​ explains that MATH 3320 (formerly 2000) must be completed prior to enrolling in MATH 3000.

  • *This hour is a problem-solving session indicates any special comments or instructions regarding registering for the course or the course itself.